Jenn tagged me, so here goes. I've done this one before, but I tried to come up with six new things that are unusual or different. It was a little tough since I'm so completely normal. . . snicker.
Probably the weirdest thing I do is something that I've admitted to almost no one before this. My husband knows and at this point he just laughs when I get started--or tries to convince me not to start in the first place.
Probably the weirdest thing I do is something that I've admitted to almost no one before this. My husband knows and at this point he just laughs when I get started--or tries to convince me not to start in the first place.
I make people handmade gifts and then never give them to the intended recipient. This probably first started around six years ago when I cross-stitched a gift for my friends who were moving into their first apartment as married people. It was a Geisha-esque woman (my friend loved Asian stuff) wearing a Kimono is colors to match their bathroom. I bought a shadow box to put it in and everything. I then proceeded to lug it along for three different moves and finally gave it away to Goodwill when the couple in question got divorced.
I made a watercolor when some other friends got married. I researched all the locations related to their wedding and created a full-colored map with sketches of the church, reception hall, etc. I've still got it in a box somewhere and they're expecting their second child next month.
Then, another friend got married and, of course, I felt the need to create someth
I never even noticed that I do this until I started working on a gift for a one-year-old this week. As I sat there working on it I knew I'd end up at Target buying something brightly colored and plastic.
This is the thing: when you make something you put your sweat and love into it. It will break your heart if the recipient doesn't "get" it. So, I guess I spare myself the heartache and just keep these little projects to myself.
Well, I wrote an entire post on one quirk. I guess I'll do five more tomorrow.