The after-hours emergency place is possibly the worst place in the world. It's not just the sick animals, it's the dogs being put down, the people crying, and the bits and scraps of humanity who show up. Two women showed up with a flea-infested Pomeranian who wasn't acting herself. They had only fifty dollars and were arguing because the up-front payment is eighty-two. Ugh. I would hate to have to argue with people about whether or not you could treat their animal, but I guess that's the business they're in.
Buster is home. He has no broken bones, but he did damage some teeth. We have to go see our regular vet in two days to see if any of them need to be removed. In the mean time, we just need to keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't show any sign of fluid on the lungs. The people from the vet are going to think that I just let my animals run free and wild. This time, however, it's all the Hubby--I wasn't even outside when it happened. I've had Max for over six years and Buster for over five and I have never had this many problems in such a short span of time.
In other news, Charlie's physical therapy evaluation went well. She didn't go over every specific with me, but seemed pleased that he grabs things with his right hand (new trick), and puts weight through his legs. This is actually a brand-new pediatric clinic and she is still getting it off the ground, so I didn't get a real good idea about what things will be like. She is nice, though, and I think we'll like working with her. She set an immediate goal of independent sitting within three months, an intermediate goal of getting in the crawl position, and a long-term goal of pulling to a stand. This is the second time someone has mentioned pulling to a stand, so I'm going to have to get together some strategies for that one. She'd like to see Charlie once a week minimum.
Movin' right along!