Well, I yesterday was a pretty scary entry. I apologize for that, but sometimes this stuff just comes up and I can't figure out how to broach it. Today was a better day. Charlie had apparently out-grown his dosage of anti-seizure meds. We're increasing over several days and I'm already seeing major improvement. Things were getting bad and I was scared out of my mind. Additionally, Charlie's occupational therapist put me in touch with a mother who's going through the exact same thing I am. She had twins born at twenty-nine weeks and one of them lost half of his brain matter to a bleed. He's got hydrocephalus, a shunt, seizures, cerebral palsy-the whole enchilada. Thing is, he's not doing too bad. The doctors told her that he'd never be able to suck a bottle much less have any sort of normal life. At almost two, he's saying a few words, crawling, learning to walk, and getting into fist-fights with his neurologically typical brother. Not half bad for a kid who wasn't supposed to be able to eat on his own.
I'm doing OK--I'm just a little shaken by the sudden develpment. We've been working on the house--painting is largely done and now I'm scraping a popcorn ceiling that I don't like. I've got tons of fabric that I hope will become curtains and I've got new knobs selected for the kitchen.
The celebrating never ends in the Crescent City and the Hub and I have been kept busy with LSU festivities and now we're gearing up for Mardi Gras. I'm not exactly sure when people rest around here.
And Charlie--well, Charlie is doing pretty freakin' great. Now that the seizure thing is getting under control he's been an absolute delight. He's laughing, smiling, vocalizing like mad, and is really interested in the world around him. Please don't stop praying or sending good vibes for my little miracle man. Uncontrolled seizures can be absolutely devastating. I get scared if I think about it for too long. I want to kick this latest development in the arse and get on with business as usual.