Monday, February 8, 2010

Blissdom '10

Back from Blissdom and had a great time! I don't know if you heard, but the Saints won the Superbowl last night. Whew! What a wonderful thing for the city I love so much. I'm still processing my crazy weekend, but here's a quick recap:

The Good:
  • Met TONS of people. TONS. People like me, people not like me, and everything in-between. I like people, so this is good. I got to meet Allison from No Time for Flashcards who I've been chatting with on Twitter--she's got a Canadian accent! So cute.
  • I met Ellen, another person blogging about raising a kid with special needs. Ellen has a 6'4" line backer personality packed into a five-foot frame. The woman is a complete fire cracker.

  • I met Shamarr Allen--a trumpeter that my husband and I completely adore. He was actually there to play with Harry Connick Jr., but I was more excited about him. I told him I had his CD and he looked at me like maybe I'd had too many cocktails.

  • I learned SO much. I learned about writing, being professional, having a footprint--all sorts of stuff.
  • I also got to meet a lot of really well-known bloggers which is just cool. I met MckMama, Redneck Mommy, Megan at Velveteen Mind, and Cecily.

The Bad:

  • I forgot my deodorant, so I kept sneaking back to the room to wash my under-arms with soap and water. SO embarrassing.
  • I lost my wallet with my license in it. Some very trustworthy person turned it in to lost and found, though, and I got it back with twenty-three dollars still in it. I didn't even know I had twenty-three dollars! Getting it out of lost and found was a trick and it made me about an hour and a half late leaving the hotel.
  • I learned so much that I'm sure I will be busy for months implementing all information. I'd love to sit down RIGHT NOW and get it all done, but I've got this kid and he keeps wanting me to feed him and play with him and stuff.

The Ugly:

  • I was crazy-tired on the drive home. Luckily, I had books on tape and they kept me afloat.
  • I don't think Charlie had one bath the entire time I was gone. Not one. I thought that was bad until I realized. . .
  • He was wearing the same shirt I left for him to wear on Thursday. Scary, no?
Charlie after the Saints big win. He didn't know what was going on, but everyone else was happy, so why not smile?
Pictures of me courtesy of Ellen.