Monday, March 29, 2010

Unit on Oceans

Unit on Ocean Animals

Goals: identify ocean animals, understand that oceans are bodies of water

Key terms: sea horse, sting ray, octopus, fish, turtle, (each link is to a good picture for a flashcard)


Sensory Seahorses (click on link for full description)

Octo-dogs--only do this with kids that are really good eaters, keep the noodles lengths short, and never leave child unattended! Hot dogs can pose a choking hazard. Mention repeatedly that octodogs have eight legs just like an octopus.

Ocean in a pan--water in a pan with a few plastic sea creatures or water and sand together. Allow time for explanation. Guide their hands if needed.

Fish Banjo--Easiest project ever. Also, Charlie is still playing with his. It's amazing how a toy made out of an old shoe box and some rubber bands is as big a hit as the forty dollar ones AND it doesn't use batteries.

Ocean Scene Stickers--place stickers of sea horses, fish, or turtles on an ocean scene. I like the foam stickers from craft stores because they provide great, 3D texture.

Books we Enjoyed

Swimmy by Leo Lionni. A classic children's book about working together.

The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister. A new classic about sharing.

Hooray for Fish by Lucy Cousins. Reminded me of Dr. Suess with it fun rhymes and bright colors.

The Day the Ocean Came to Visit by Dianne Wolkstein. A more advanced story--kind of like a legend. Hubby and I really enjoyed this one.