Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Good Things

Haven't done this in too long! In no particular order, things that are making me smile.
  1. I received two lovely blog awards lately and that feel good. Things have been kind of quiet around here lately and it's nice to be thought of! The sunshine award is from Aviatrix and the Happiness 101 award is from The Henrys.

  2. I got to meet a fellow blogger this past weekend. I've been reading her blog since May of 2006--yes, I'm a nerd and went back and figured it out. Back in the day, my co-worker used to tell me that everyone I met online was secretly a man trying to meet women. I am happy to report that Toni is just as cool in person and not a man.

  3. Took Charlie to the Neuro. Still nice and fat. Charlie's had two incidents where he woke up crying in the middle of the night and she said it probably wasn't seizures. She said nightmares were much more likely.

  4. Charlie's Gator walker has arrived--he doesn't know what to make of it yet, but we'll get there!

  5. We went to the Easter party again this year. The one that was so disastrous last year? He did SO much better. Kept his eyes open and everything. Still didn't like the Easter bunny, but other than that, the whole thing wasn't half bad.

He's looking at that Easter Bunny like, "Hey, get your hand off me."