Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Neurology Update

It's doctor time again and today was neurology.

Today's visit was good, good, good.

Charlie passed a set of rings from his left hand to his right, which impressed her.

She said that his strength had improved under his arms and I credited ABR. Then I had to explain what ABR was to the two residents who were following her around.

She asked if Charlie understood what I was saying to him and I wasn't really sure how to respond to that--I mean, he knows stuff like "turn off the lights," and "cracker," but who knows about all the rambling I do during the course of the day? She asked me to give an example of his understanding, so I asked him if he wanted to play peek-a-boo. He promptly threw his rings to the side and began to play.

She checked his tone by thumping his reflex points with a little hammer. She didn't SAY this, but I noticed that she didn't really say anything about his arms, but pointed out the abnormal reflexes in his legs to the two residents. Makes me THINK that she couldn't really find anything in his arms. This is consistent with what his PT has been noticing--he tenses up the right arm, but there's no constant tightness there any more. I do think his thumb is still a little wonky, but he manages to get his hand open, so maybe there's hope for that too. Would it be annoying if I credited ABR for this improvement too?

She urged me to get him to the eye doctor immediately, which sounds like a bad thing, but really it's a good thing. Previously, there was a lot of talk about whether or not he could see and whether or not he had CVI, but now she seems to be leaning towards the idea that his issues are largely muscular--basically, he can see, but he has trouble getting his eyes where he wants. His vision is by no means perfect, but I think it's a lot better than I originally suspected.

We've scheduled an EEG for next week to make sure there haven't been any significant changes for the worse.

Good visit!

Tomorrow we'll be heading out for a quick trip to Plano to get some new ABR exercises.